What Can You Do To Improve Your Microsoft Secure Score?
POSTED ON October 26, 2020
In Microsoft 365, you can quickly and easily get a pulse on how secure your information by utilizing Secure Score. In a world where the number of cyberattacks is only increasing, it is not a matter of if your business will be attacked, it’s a matter of when.
It is imperative to take steps to secure your business. Microsoft makes it easy by providing you with a tool to measure your security based on your utilization of Microsoft’s security features. Approximately 50% of organizations aren’t utilizing their cybersecurity features to the fullest extent- don’t leave your money on the table.
Where Do I Find My Secure Score?
You can locate your secure score by following this link. It will bring you to the Microsoft Security and Compliance Center where your secure score widget is housed. You should see a page similar to the image below.
The total score, circled in red, shows you your secure score. It is the number of security features you are utilizing out of the number offered.
How Does The Microsoft Secure Score Work?
The Security Score tool analyzes your Microsoft 365 environment and makes recommendations to help improve your overall security and reduce any unnecessary risk. It will scan all of your Microsoft applications, looking at your settings and use cases, and then it compares it with the Microsoft baseline, generating your score.
In addition to the score, you receive smart recommendations to further secure your environment and improve your score. By setting up new security features, better configuring existing ones, and linking in third party apps for security you can hike up your score.
How Can You Improve Your Secure Score?
The Security Score tool analyzes your Microsoft 365 environment and makes recommendations to improve your overall security and reduce any unnecessary risk. It will scan all of your Microsoft applications, look at your settings and use cases, and then compare it with the Microsoft baseline, generating your score.
In addition to the score, you receive smart recommendations to secure your environment further and improve your score. By setting up new security features, better configuring existing ones, and linking third-party apps for security, you can hike up your score.
How Can You Improve Your Secure Score?
Once you have logged in and are viewing your score and recommendations, you can start making progress on further securing your environment. This can be time-consuming, and it might be most efficient to outsource these tasks to an IT professional, like ourselves.
If you would like to begin making progress yourself, you can either choose to make the recommended changes or ignore the recommendation.
Here are four of the most common recommendations you’ll likely see:
1. Multi-factor authentication: Multiple defense layers make it more difficult for would-be attackers to gain access to your data
2. Enable mobile encryption and passwords: Adding a password to each employee’s mobile device can help prevent physical access to emails on the device
3. Audit data more thoroughly: Monitoring email use can help highlight potential threats due to unauthorized app access
4. Restrict global administrator roles: Having too many power users opens more doors for unwanted hackers to enter
It’s important to note your Office 365 Security Score updates once per day according to the previous day’s activity so that you can see immediate gains.
If one of your recommendations is to utilize Data Loss Prevention policies, you can check out our blog post on adding those into your Microsoft Environment here.
Don’t Stop Your Cybersecurity Efforts Here
Improving your Microsoft 365 Secure Score will not ensure the level of cybersecurity you need. Nor is the Secure Score an assessment on the likelihood of a breach to your system data.
No online service is impenetrable but taking these steps certainly will go a long way towards securing your business’ information. It’s always helpful to speak with an IT professional and evaluate other potential risks to your business’ data. You can always reach out to Agilitec for help by booking a call here.